- Have you got a cupboard full of supplement bottles, the vitamin C for when you feel yourself getting a cold or hangover, the multivitamins because you heard a friend say they were good for you?
- Do you go into Holland & Barrett, your local health store or supermarket aisle feeling completely overwhelmed and end up coming out having spent a fortune to stock that cupboard again?
- Maybe you’ve got a friend with a home based networking marketing business selling nutriton products, who has sold you some of their products, and you felt obliged to buy them, even though some of which may be of no benefit to you and they're stuck in the cupboard too.
The Nutrition and Supplement industry is a huge market. Lynda Hammonds, Vice President of Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs for the largest herbal supplement manufacturer worldwide, Nature’s Sunshine Products and Synergy Worldwide states, “The Supplement industry is a bit like the wild-west but without a sheriff.”
Approximately 85% of supplements on the market today are so called “white label” products. They're often made by manufacturers and distributed to companies to be branded, so many have no quality assurance and many products on the market today contain bulking agents such as talc, colourings and flavourings.
If you're confused then contact me for a Nutritional Supplement consultation, all supplements recommended are organic or of the highest quality giving you piece of mind.
Do you already know which supplements you need, click on the link below to order high quality organic supplements at cost price.
Various nutritional programmes are available to help you bring your body back into balance. Contact me for more information on the following programmes
- Daily Nutrition supplements
- ProArgi-9+
- https://www.vitalremedy.co.uk/pure21detox/
- 10 Day Nutritional Herbal Cleanse Programme
- 28 Day Weight Loss Programme
- 28 Day Hormone Imbalance & Hot Flush Programme
- Health Lifestyle Consultation
Click on the link below to see our full Products Range of Nutritional supplements and boosters.
Natures Sunshine Product Range - Nutritional Supplements
Childrens Range & Pet Range - http://vitalremedy.myllonline.com/
If you'd like some help with ordering products, get in touch via my contact page.